Well, first you gotta ask yourself to define a blog. A web log is usually defined as apersonal or noncommercial web site that uses a dated log format (usually with the most recent addition at the top of the page) and contains links to otherweb sites along with commentary about those sites. A weblog is updated frequently and sometimes groups links by specific subjects, such as politics,news, or pop culture.

Therefore Seeding Blogs and Blog Outreach are often confused, and they can frequently overlap in content and style. But purists point out that a person writing in a blog is logging their life, not the Web. In today’s modern market we have avery important overlap.  The Savvy Reader will quickly identify a personal blog and a paid blog.  Personal info, will come from a 3rdparty approver and feel genuine with details describing positive and negative.  Where as a paid blog will be brand specific with nothing but perfectly shining reviews about the product.

It’s been shown that online conversations have both positive and negative elements.  Therefore brands that truly embrace blog outreach have accepted the public’s desire to speak opening about their brand.  The good and the bad must coexist, but not in equal sizes.  It is more normal for brands to find 80% positive conversations and they must be willing to be directly involved in order to shape those outcomes.

Brand will need to choose carefully how they embark on their blog

initiatives and find ways to be news worthy.  If they just want to make noise, then out door campaigns are great for that purpose.  In time, they can blog about the event.  But, how they blog is very important.

Seeding a blog is straight up brand advertising where the brand paid to have their message written without the possibility of subjective influence.  It’s the subjectivity that allows negativity, but also produces authenticity.  So when a brand pretends to be a real person and pays to create fictitious digital personae, the public is more likely to be outraged by such an unethical practice.

I encourage Blog outreach, because it stands upon authenticity and genuine opinion. Thus a brand reaches out to credible bloggers with news worthy information. The writers are paid should they choose to write about the topic and it is often appropriate to the blogger’s followers.  It’s very important that free choice influenced the blogger to pick up and pass along the story, because they will be honest with more positive than negative. They will write about the topic because it appeals to their niche. Thus full disclosure is present and the information benefits brands, bloggers and readers.

If you want to hear what I have to say in 140 characters or fewer, please follow me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/erikpenn.